Connies Club

Relating the progress and lessons learned from an injured foal. Linking into the themes of metaphor, positivity, healing,the interconnection of science / technology with natural energies, synchronicity and even animal communication..... It's also just an inspiring story.

Name: Liz
Location: United Kingdom

Saturday, 8 September 2007

At One with the World

It seems hard to believe Connie has only been home a couple of weeks. They are into a routine, out by day, in at night to ensure rest time for the leg to keep healing. Connie often lays flat out in the stable - Mouse has almost no room to move, for she is a fair size now, as you can see. It's hard to believe we were able to pick her up and carry her into the trailer to go to 'horspital' just 3 months ago. Such a contrast to the human baby!
I had the most touching of moments when I took two close friends to see her. Mouse and Connie were at the furthest side of the field. Connie looked up at us and then cantered over in the most perfect straight line to us coming to a perfectly balanced halt with her muzzle on my outstretched hand. It felt like she was saying "thank you - you're my friend... " My friends were certainly impressed - for even at her size we were all aware of the power within as she came towards us..

Everyone is amazed at how friendly yet also how calm and at ease with life she is - no issues with distrusting humans after all the interactions she has had. It was the right decision for sure.


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