Connies Club

Relating the progress and lessons learned from an injured foal. Linking into the themes of metaphor, positivity, healing,the interconnection of science / technology with natural energies, synchronicity and even animal communication..... It's also just an inspiring story.

Name: Liz
Location: United Kingdom

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

30/7/07 Is compassion an instinct?

Connie's story seems to strike a chord with many people who are following her progress. I have been touched at the feedback about this blog. One friend summed up the impact it had on her as follows: -

"..Tears - because I was thinking of how you felt, how brave Connie was still bouncing about in spite of it, and the relief of things apparently working against all odds, and the mixed feelings of courage and excitement in being the first to go ahead with this..."

It made me think about compassion, and as I was driving to the station early one morning - there was a perfect demonstration. In the middle of the country lane was a cluster of pigeons. They scattered as the car approached, leaving one, floundering in the middle of the road. I stopped, picked it up. The wings were fine, it seemed winded, as if hit on the breast bone by a car had temporarily affected its ability to fly. The others had come back to be with it... I moved it to a thick verge, a chance to recover (perhaps..)

But what I could not get out of my mind was the sight of the other pigeons there, the sense of community, caring, whatever words I use from the human experience, the reality could not be dismissed. They were there with, and for, their injured fellow pigeon... It was simply behaviour hardwired into their instinct rather then because they consciously 'should' be concerned for it. Do we care enough for others? Such questions and lessons from 'other-than-human beings' are all around us.

By synchronicity, I then found the following quote from dear Albert Einstein:

A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Horses seem to offer us many life lessons, with Connie they seem to have been packed into one intense series of emotional experiences! As her situation becomes less critical, I will develop this blog to acknowledge some of these wider learnings. Thanks for reading on..

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Friday, 13 July 2007

13/6/07 Another Milestone

The fracture has a plate with 4 screws – only this week did I discover quite what cutting edge this represents in such a young foal - basically this is a first! The reason the vet took it on was her lightness, being so very young, and that she was still feeding. She likes having her homeopathic remedy - which is sprayed on her muzzle and is now off antibiotics, with the wound site well healed. Amazingly she has never been on pain killers, which is good as they are able to monitor how she is coping more closely.

Even the surgeon says she is a nice foal (and he admits he doesn’t say that often!) Perhaps most surprisingly (for those that know her!) the staff at Newmarket say they have found out Mouse’s soft side and I therefore know they are in good hands. They remain really pleased with her progress, although the odds are still 50-50.

So this week is the next big milestone – today she was put into a 'soft cast' so there is more load on the leg, which is necessary to encourage the new bone to grow. Also the hard cast would tend to rub and cause pressure. However it means that the whole bone is vulnerable as it will not have hardened much, so it could fall apart – almost literally as she puts weight through the operation site. (apologies for the poor scientific content here folks!)

Presuming all goes well she will then move to a specialist foal care unit with Mouse with my old university friend and vet Sarah Stoneham, until the leg is healed well enough for the plate to be removed – it saves her travelling up & down from Sussex again. Your thoughts, prayers, good wishes - whatever, so long as it is positive - for Mouse and Connie are most important of all now, so thank you in anticipation of her getting stronger and stronger from them…..

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31/5/07 Surrounded by Healing Energy

31 May 2007 10:32

Connie was X Rayed today and there is some movement of the bone against the plate. It’s now a question of how the young bone stabilises and strengthens around the plate & screws. Because foals grow so rapidly, a frequent change of the cast is necessary, otherwise significant sores could develop. The next is due on Sunday. And of course each intervention requires that both mare and foal are well sedated. Luckily Connie has got into a routine of immediately seeking milk as she comes round...
Overall the surgeon is pleased with progress. Connie has always fed well, never needed painkillers and is incredibly good about all the handling. Equally the patience that Rossdales's showed with my daily calls for an update is remarkable!!
Meanwhile, in parallel to the 'Horspital' work I have been letting people know about the situation and asking them to simply send positive healing thoughts. Holistic vet Nick Thompson immediately sent the appropriate homeopathic remedy to support bone healing, and provided a spray on tincture - after all how can you feed tablets to a foal that only knows how to suckle!
Animal Communicator and healer Margrit Coates has also been instant in her support.
I wrote to her that I even thought I could feel her energy. Then, sitting on a bendy bus in London rather late for work one morning, I was suddenly became aware of this most amazing feeling of peace and calm, deep joy. It was 10.30. I rang her a little later and described the feeling - silence. Then she told me that at 10.32 she had sent me an email telling me she had just been sending healing to Connie - and that was what I was picking up.... Honestly - it's true!!
It was confirmation for me at least of how connected I am with this vulnerable little foal. And it is an interesting demonstration of Rupert Sheldrakes's explanation of morphic resonance !! A most amazing experience.....

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28/5/07 Why?

Sorry for the silence – it has not been easy to update anyone these last couple of days....

The morning after the birth the foal’s near foreleg looked odd, we called the vet, decided to Xray, drove them to the surgery, and we were all gutted to see it was a badly fractured pastern bone. Possibly an unfortunate tread by Mouse, although there was no external evidence....

Despite the odds being loaded against a full recovery I decided I have to give her a chance. On Sunday we drove them (in the pouring rain) to Rossdales at Newmarket where little ‘Connie’, at less than 2 days old, underwent 2 hours of surgery to plate and screw the bone together. The operation by Andy Bathe went well, and she is up and feeding well, ‘comfortable’, standing evenly on both legs, but we have the risk of infection or collapse when the cast comes off etc. The odds are 60% against her surviving this stage, and about 10% for being sound enough to be rideable long term... no wonder other foals in this situation are simply put down.

Already she seems to be a tough little thing - and she needs to be. They stay at Newmarket for 3 – 4 weeks, so please add them to your prayers & blessings.

As a postscript, it is maybe helpful to add at this point that this little horse was always bred with the intention that she would stay with me for life, a friend whether she competes, is rideable or whatever, a mother if it feels right in time. She is Oskar’s aunt and Mouse's foal - her connection to earth... There are some fun stories about how Mouse let us know she wanted a foal and chose the stallion.... And since she conceived first time against the odds... with frozen semen from a stallion who died the week previously, perhap these stories need adding. However, in summary, this little foal is special to me and has a home for life.

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